Monday, June 18, 2007

A quick comment on She-Hulk's new writer

Over the weekend the new writer for She-Hulk was announced and it's Peter David. I'm somewhat surprised by the news but it makes a lot of sense. I think he's a good match for the title. I had said that I wasn't enjoying this title as much as before and was waiting to see who the new writer was and how he/she did on the title. With Peter David I feel better about giving the book another chance. I just hope they bring in a new artist as well.

Oh yeah, I was a little disappointed on Friday that my latest order from Chapters (the 5th and 6th The Walking Dead TPBs) didn't come in. But not having them to read meant I could spend a bit more time working on Divine Leap. Though not as much time as I would have liked with the whole Father's Day thing.

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