Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Ferguson Family Reunion Recap

With the end of the long weekend also comes the end of the Ferguson family reunion. I've been told we had over 50 of us in Ottawa at one point. Fortunately (for me at least) my cousin Danielle took the brunt of it. In fact, I only had two cousins stay at my place for one night so I had it pretty good. Although I'm left pondering how nobody wanted to stay at my place.

Anyhow, the weekend went well. We had a lot of fun, too much sun (especially for those of us with a little less hair), and I think everyone had a good time. It was nice to see everyone even if, with all the people, you didn't really have too much time to spend with any one relative in particular. And some relatives had never actually met one another until now. One major highlight was the DVD and calendar my cousin Erick made up. The DVD has a photo tribute to Mary Ferguson (my grandmother) which was put to music as well as a much lighter montage of pictures of the various family members. And the calendars also are made up of pictures. They were both extremely well done and I'd be eager to show them off to anyone who'd sit through them. I'd even include some stories of my childhood and how I could just imagine how happy my grandmother and my uncle Johnny would have been at this reunion if they were still with us today.

But enough of that, it's starting to get me down (and I probably should try to get some work done). So this week I have to get back to work on my online comic, Divine Leap. I have 19 pages of issue 7 scanned in and ready to be lettered and it currently sits at 15 more pages to go before I'm finished. I'm planning to start posting them on drunkduck this Thursday with an update schedule of two pages per week.

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